Our therapeutic approach
Applied Behavioral Craniosacral-Energetics is a byproduct of the classical Applied Kinesiology
founded by the eminent doctor of chiropractic, George Goodheart.
It mainly concerns our five critical movements that an average person should do without pain and
discomfort. The five movements are:
- Respiration: Can you breathe freely with both your chest and abdominal areas without restriction,
pain, or despair?
- Locomotion: Can you walk and run without limitations or pain in your joints and muscles?
- Orientation: Can you turn your head and body freely without any problems, such as pain,
sti ness, or dizziness?
- Grasping: Can you grab an object with your hands and feet or chew with your mouth without pain
or discomfort?
- Copulation: Can your body movements allow for sexual intercourse with your partner?
When one or more of these above movements are causing the patient problems, we call it a
Functional-Structural disorder. We, therefore, define it as a structure, body parts critical for
movement, which cannot perform their regular duties without pain and discomfort, required for
our daily activities to satisfy our needs as individuals and species.
Briefly, muscles, joints, and nerves, controlled by the brain, allow these movements to occur pain-
free. When a joint or its associated muscles and nerves, or the brain, are not doing their required
actions its sets up the morbid conditions for joint dysfunction, interfering with our above critical
movements, leading to impairment and pain.
All the joints of your body are essential, and most of them should provide the proper motion to
perform your daily activities. However, certain joints of our body are more important than others.
The joints of your neck and back, the vertebral column, are essential because they allow not only
movement but also supply the nerves that will eventually go to all other joints, glands, and organs
of your body. They are a type of gateway between the brain and the body.
Yet, other joints, such as hips, knees, feet, shoulder, and jaw, will eventually cause problems in the
vertebral column if they are not working correctly. So, if the joints in your feet are not moving
correctly, they can cause problems up into the knee, hip, and back. We call this an ascending
problem, and therefore, to correct the backache, we must also treat the foot. If the jaw joint or
shoulder is not functioning well, it can cause a problem in your neck. We call this situation a
descending problem, and thus, we must also treat both the jaw and the shoulder to relieve the
neck pain.
Joint motion, such as our hips when walking, utilizes muscles. The muscles move through nerve
impulses generated in the brain and spinal cord. Any problem in your muscles, nerves or brain,
can cause your joints not to function correctly, and such a situation will lead to pain and
discomfort. When you visit the doctor for your backache, she will examine your joints, muscles,
nerves, as well as your brain to see if they are all working correctly. If one or more of them are not
working well, she will either treat the problem or recommend to you other examines to do or
consult another Heath professional.